Protect Natural Resources
Preserve, restore or enhance valuable and vulnerable land and water resources providing hazard mitigation and other co-benefits, including floodplains, wetlands, forest, stream systems, steep slopes, hydric and highly erodible soils, and important habitat areas.
Regional scale
Local scale
Methodology |
Mandatory criteria |
Not already protected
Not paved or a building
State-designated ecological significance |
Statewide Green Infrastructure Hub-Corridor Network
Targeted Ecological Areas
Significant for Biodiversity Conservation (BioNet Tiers 1-5)
Natural Heritage Areas
Wetlands of Special State Concern + 100 ft buffer
Watershed characteristics (DNR 12-digit watersheds) |
Percent forest cover (more forest preferred)
Percent impervious surface (<5%/5-10%/10-20%/>20%)
Blue Infrastructure Priority Watersheds
100 foot buffers of Stronghold Watershed streams, trout bearing streams, streams feeding municipal drinking water reservoirs, and Tier II High Quality Waters (Forests of Recognized Importance)
County/Local Scale Resource Features |
County green infrastructure plans (Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, and Anne Arundel)
Wetlands + 100-foot buffer
Surface waters + 100-foot buffer
1% (100 year) floodplains
2% (500 year) floodplains
Forest patches with at least 1 acre of interior
Blue Infrastructure Priority Watersheds
Forest patches delineated within Baltimore ≥10,000 ft2 and >90 ft wide
Forest corridors ranked by importance
Highly erodible soils
Steep slopes (>15%)
Baltimore City Habitat Protected Areas
Anne Arundel bog wetlands + 100 ft buffer
Population vulnerability |
Number of people/mi^2
% Population with income below poverty (12mo)
% Population of non-proficient English speakers
% Population <18 or >= 65 years of age
Ecosystem service values |
Stormwater Abatement
Groundwater Recharge
Air Quality
Sediment and Nutrient Capture
Carbon Sequestration